I have blogged over at our new Aussie Teacher Blog

and this is my first blog post on this great Australian Teachers Collaborative blog.

and this is my first blog post on this great Australian Teachers Collaborative blog.
The 26th of each month there is a link up. (link at the bottom of this post)
I have known most of the girls in this group for a few years now and together we have supported each other in what can sometimes be a lonely journey in the blogging world. Teaching is becoming much more collaborative and this blog is about supporting that trend.
Today's post is about Maths in my learning space and some of the photos are of the shared space I have this year with Stacey. More significantly it is about what has worked for me over my many years of teaching.
Our planning always starts with looking at what our kids can do and where they need to go next.
The importance of data can get lost in what we do.
When we have identified what is the next step we look for tasks that will support, stretch and challenge learning.
Tasks still need to be differentiated for some kids within the same group - as their goals can be slightly different.
We never start with a task in mind - because this can lead to fun tasks that do not address a learning need. Always start with what needs to be taught or learnt.
The photo above shows our planning for the week and each colour group has a clear goal.
The maths groups are flexible (see the page with angles on it) and we often change kids mid lesson, if they have mastered a skill or concept.
Our kids know to check in with this each day to make sure they are in the right group.
We display this digitally at the start of the lesson. This has been a tremendous help in reporting to parents as we have pages for all groups for fractions, angles, multiplication etc
The third page in the photo is a screen grab of an anecdotal note page where record learning and the next step.
The following photos are taken from a number of lessons and we try to mix up the types of tasks, where they work, who they work with and focus group or independent tasks.
Our kids also set goals and revisit them adding reflections and new goals. Our one hour maths block each day is a busy place to be.
Now it is your turn to link up and share what works for you.