Next week is Fire Prevention Week in the USA.
This post has a book review - links to my Fire English, Math and Bundle and at the very bottom a pinterest link to more books to read.
This is a great picture story book for young readers and start the conversation about why we need to mindful of keeping ourselves safe and the great job our firefighters do.

I like this book because it has clear text and the pictures are sharp. The page that shows the back of the fire truck is engaging and great for oral labeling in a shared text group.
These are my packs that help support Fire Prevention Week.
Click on the images to see them in more detail.
Fire - 10 English Tasks (K-1)
This pack will assist with fire knowledge through enhancing
vocabulary through writing, punctuation and interactive note pages.
104 pages
You may decide to copy two pages onto one page to have less
color copying or use the ‘save my ink’ versions that are included with each
section. Each section has a cover page with instructions.
Letter Matching - Color copy and laminate the pieces. There
are two sets – one is ‘save my ink’. Match up the lower case to the upper case
Peg my sound - Look at the picture and make your choice
about the starting sound – white set. Ending sound – light yellow set. Some
words may have more than one answer – so check your thinking!
Fire words for your word wall - Color copy and display. There
is a spare sheet for you to record your own words on.
How many Words do you know? These are based on the DOLCH
primer lists. List One – Prep Primer is yellow. List Two – Primer list is light
yellow. List Three – Grade One is red, List Four - Grade Two is mustard. List
Five – Grade Three is gray.
Are/can/have - Templates for extinguisher, fire man, fire
station, fire truck, fire and fire dog.
Punctuation - Read at the text and make your choice about
the correct punctuation – use a peg to show your answer.
Label the pictures. Copy as needed and use the word lists
provided to write the labels.
A reader. This will give you two readers when it is copied.
Staple where the two black marks are and them cut in half. Add the phone number
you need to dial in an emergency. Read and color.
Interactive Notebook section. Fireman, Fire Truck, Fire Plan,
Fire fighters also ….
Writing Print and Go - There is a planning picture sheet to
copy for all writing templates. Then attach at the top of the story before you
display it. There are five topic
starters included.
Fire – 10 Math Tasks (K-1)
This pack will help to consolidate simple trust the count, adding 1 and
2, doubles, skip counting and place value. It contains ‘save my ink versions’.
(156 pages)
Ten Frames - Color copy and laminate all the cards. Use as flash cards to trust the
count and Subitise. Use to make and record number stories 9 = 5+4, 5 = 3+2. These
cards are vertical to help prepare for place value and adding to ten 10 + 9 =
19. Two copies – one for ‘save my ink’
Peg my number - Count the objects and place a peg on the correct numeral.
Make a picture - Sequence the boxes in order of the numbers
This will show you a picture of the some fire fighting images. Copy,
laminate and cut on the lines. Children will place back in correct order.
Missing Fire Dog - Color copy and laminate the cards. Place the missing dog in the correct
spot. Two versions – one is ‘save my ink’.
How many firemen fit in the truck? - Sequence the fire trucks in order of the numbers. Then put the number
of fireman needed for each fire truck next to it. You will need 20 copies of
the fireman page. There is save an ink version. Copy and laminate.
Which fireman has more extinguishers? - Set one –0-20, Set Two –0-100. Color copy, laminate and cut. Place the
extinguishers in the correct side. Plus a save an ink version.
How many ladders? - Work out how many ladders. Color copy and laminate, then display around
the room. Read the equations and use the ladders like a number line. Record
your answer on the answer sheet.
Equations +1, +2 - Color copy and laminate cards A-Z. Display the A-Z cards
around the room. Use the recording sheet to write your answer. There is a save
an ink version.
Doubles - Color copy and laminate. Place the cards in a pile and take one at a time.
Work out the answer, you may need to use counters to support some children. Record
your answers on the answer sheet. Also includes a save an ink version.
Fireman-Read the room - This task is about place value. Color copy and laminate cards. Display
the A-Z cards around the room. Use the recording sheet to write your answer for
each one.
Or save on money and get it as a bundle. Click the image belowto see the pack.
This is a pinterest link to some more great reads.