Yesterday our Prep Team made a massive start on re-organising our space. We have made some big decisions together already. These include - no teacher desks in the space and not enough desks for each student. Due to how we manage Daily 5, not all students need a table at the same time. We have so much floor space and our two must haves were a space in each end for a double grade to sit as well as an additional space for a single grade to sit. We have a designated art/craft space, two reading tents and two home corners. We cannot wait until our students start and we start displaying work in our space. This is when it will look like a learning classroom.
I set myself a task today and that was to reorganise the maths corner so that our children can access hands on maths resources as they need them. The small whiteboards at the top are for displaying our Learning Intentions and Success Criteria.