I have had cause to reflect today on a few things.
I was approached by a commercial company to do some cross promotional work and needed to see if it would actually benefit me and the people I have in my life.
I still haven't decided my course of action as I need more information.
But it all comes down to what motivates me?
My own two kids motivate me to be the best I can be. I want them to be the best they can be too.
My husband, who is a Principal (also a blogger and TPT'er) is a huge supporter of what I do.
My grade motivates me to be the best I can be so they can be.
The staff and students at my school motivate me everyday to help, support, coach and grow with them in many ways.
The followers on my blog, my blog facebook, my digital stores motivate me to be the best I can be.
I do this stuff to make a difference to my life and hopefully then to others.
I know that this blog post is a bit different to my usual ones - so why am I reflecting?
My USA followers are about to celebrate Thanksgiving and I am thankful for so much.
I love what I do and wouldn't do it if I didn't.
So I am thankful for all I have because it is a lot.