We have started to formalise Discovery Learning. We have talked about how most of our tasks will be related to our theme "Me and My Family". Next week I will post photos of our preps doing the tasks. We have a book making station where they draw their family members and write their names. We make our family with play dough. After drawing our family we add numerals underneath to show how many people in our family. The cars are about going places with our family, we count them and we have two preps who are working on consolidating some colour names. Puppets are about role play for families, so is the home corner and doll's house. Whiteboards are used for drawing and writing about our families. Mobilo for house building.
We use a quick draw to remind the preps of the task and the number means how many can be at that spot. If there is no number- they need to count the chairs to see how many can be at that task at once. We encourage negotiating for a spot, waiting turns and sharing. Eventually we will have reporters and photographers who will share the learning at the end.
After our Discovery Learning time it is writing time. Our preps do a planning picture first in grey lead. We have discussed a WOW planning picture and looked at how this is done with detail, background and then colour. We encourage them to write and some do, many are dictating a sentence which we write underneath.