This was my day and the amazing thing is - I will get up in the morning and happily go through it again.
Today we had 85 preps start their first full day. They arrived with book packs, at least two adults each and wondering what today would bring. Our shared space was full to capacity and then at 9.15 we asked that the grown ups say good bye and go to the canteen for 'tea and tissues' with our parent rep group and Principal.
We had tasks on tables for children to choose and then toilet trip number one. Snack, read a book, talk about 'read to self' and start our first anchor chart. Toilet and snack, time for recess. Toilet and off to Art. Toilet again and fruit break. Draw and write about our first day, lunch, toilet and play outside. Read a big book, hand out prep bags, reader bags and pack our bags. Time to hand children over to parents.
Breathe and then off to run a meeting for the staff.
Home, dinner and then bed!