Top tips and a link up

Lauren at Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep  has this linky that is about great ideas for beginning teachers, plus for those who have been around for a while to remind us of things that might be helpful. 

Grab the above image (kindly made by Mel at Graphics From the Pond) and link up - doesn't matter how long you've been teaching for! - to share your top tips.  There's a list below that you can use if you'd like, but feel free to create your own!

Number One - Top Tip for Classroom Organisation
Always leave your room tidy. It is about teaching respect for the space you share and learn in.

Number Two - Top Tip for Behaviour Management
Catch kids doing the right thing and praise them for it. Make a big deal of all the right things and not focus on the negative stuff.

Number Three - Top Tip for Being a Team Player
Listen to what others say and respect where each person is coming from. Show that you can genuinely hear the message. If you don’t agree be respectful and mindful, because we are not always right either.

Number Four - Top Tip for Time Management
I keep a diary – it is on my iPad and I always record my appointments and tasks to do. If there is no more room for a task then it is scheduled for another day. I stick to this and I actually say ‘yes I can do that, but not today. I can do that by …”

Number Five - Top Tip for Engaging Students
Know your kids. Find out what they like and don’t like. Make eye contact with them first thing in the morning. This will tell you exactly what they are feeling/coping and how they will handle the day.

Number Six - Top Tip for Getting Along with Parents
This one is like No 3. Listen to them – they have spent more time with their child then you have. They are the advocate and only want what is best, sometimes they just don’t express it well.

Number Seven - Top Tip for Teacher Fashion
Wear comfy shoes – we are on our feet all day, we are getting up and down off the floor, we are putting up and taking down displays, we are on yard duty, we are running from start to finish.

 Number Eight - Top Tip for Bargain Hunting
A confession here – I hate bargain stores, but they are the places where we get our supplies from. I have had to get over this and make myself go, my husband says I must have shares in companies that make plastic containers. You need to browse, but don’t hoard – think about the purpose of each item before you drag it into your classroom.

Number Nine - Top Tip for Eating Well at School
Oh dear – I fail here. Food needs to be easy, able to be picked up, eaten while you are running from task to task and place to place. It should be healthy and fresh, but when it is cold all I want is something warm – leftovers are great.
Number Ten - Top Tip for Staying Sane
Have down time. I work so hard during the term and for one week in each break, except for our summer break. As my own kids are teenagers, I find I can work more as they are so independent. This year I have tried to leave work at work during the week so I can enjoy home at home. You need to work out what works for you and be strong about it. 
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