Learning Intentions

Hey there! This little blog brings alot of enjoyment to/for me. 
I write about what I do, because I love it. I started a facebook link to it a short time ago and am amazed as it hit 413 'likers' today.

This is a huge responsibility and I amazed that other people, like you, also like it enough to keep coming back - so a huge thank you.

Why display the Learning Intention - you can refer back to it at any point in the lesson, the students can see it at anytime. It makes us all accountable. 
An example of a clear Learning Intention is ...

We will write a recount
We are using two step problems

Keep them simple and in 'kid speak'

Success Criteria is a break down of skills that you might achieve.
 I will full stops
I will use capitals correctly
I will have a plan
I will re read

This is where differentiation fits, they are recorded and referred to throughout the lesson. 

I have included Maths and Math tags for you to use. 
There are also tags for Reading, Writing, Word Work and Inquiry Learning.

There is a set of definitions as well as instructions on how to use them. 

I have added an extra set of tags with topic specific clip art. 
If you already own it, you can download the updated file straight away at no cost to you. 

This is a great way to have learning visible in your classroom and make your learners accountable for tasks. It is a great way to bring all your grade together at share or reflection time. 

The display of the learning Intention makes your learning sequence clear and everything relates back to that and there is no confusion as to what learning needs to take place. 

The Learning Intentions make goal setting more streamlined and related to relevant assessment. 

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