What do all these bloggers have in common?
It is about bringing sunshine through blogging - what a cute idea.
So first here are 11 random facts about me
1. I regularly have manicures and pedicures
2. I never drink instant coffee - life is too short
3. I do not like cat or dogs, but can handle a snake
4. I am addicted to Melonheadz clipart
5. I hate cooking, my husband cooks more than I do. But I love cooking complicated things on the weekend
6. My love of music is eclectic and I love musicals. My daughter and I go to many in Melbourne
7. You can never have enough shoes or handbags
8. I am a little OCD about how things are done in my classroom like my notes, planning and my stuff
9. I love anything Clinique
10. I have finally come to terms with my curly hair
11. I cannot have enough stationary
So please stay with me while I answer the questions I have been asked............

I need to answer 11 questions from Kimberley -
so here they are
1. If you were the principal
of your school, what is one change you would make and why? This is a tough one
for me, as I am part of leadership and our Principal works as part of a team.
So on this on – I wouldn't change anything. Maybe some of our
teachers might think differently.
2. What is your favorite teaching
tool in your classroom? This would have to be my Daily 5 drawers and the
drawers I use for Maths. I think you call them core drawers.
3. Tell about one student that
holds a special place in your heart (I know we love them all, but choose
A long time ago I taught a boy called
Mark. He was my first severe asthmatic and allergy kid. My first epipen student
and he was an absolute delight to work with and had his ‘illnesses’ in
4. What is your hobby? What – apart
from blogging, creating for TPT and Pinterest surfing??????
Okay then it would have to be overseas
5. What do you feel is your strength in
the classroom? I have had extensive training in Maths and I often get
boxed into this – but my real strength is teaching reading and writing.
6. What do you feel is your
weakest area in the classroom? Physical Education – I am not built for
7. What would be your one piece of
advice for a beginning teacher? Be kind to yourself and take on one thing
at a time and get it right, then take on something else.
8. Why did you become a
teacher? I had four teachers in Year 6 and didn't want others to
have a crappy year at school. I have wanted to be a teacher ever since
9. What is one thing you
would change about the educational system today? Funding!!!!!!!!
10. What do you hope to accomplish
this coming summer? Here in Australia over our winter break (because we
are opposite to the USA) I want to complete some TPT projects and spend time in
our neglected garden.
11. What is something you have too
much/many of (in other words, what do you hoard)? Stationary and clipart
(from Melonheadz)
Kayla's questions are
Where are you from? Australia -
Victoria – Ballarat
What is your favorite animal? Giraffes,
I know this will make some people think differently about me, but I am not a
pet person
What is your favorite thing about
teaching? Seeing that ah-hah moment when a child gets it
What is your favorite children’s book?
Possum Magic by Mem Fox
Why do you blog? Initially to record
what I do, now it is about sharing what I do and getting feedback to make me a
better teacher
Who do you look up to? My younger
sister - she has had to deal with things that no one should have to and she
just keeps going everyday and has a smile on her face everyday
When did you become a teacher? This one
dates me - 1985 (shh I am fifty next month)
Would you rather: Have a side soup or a
side salad? A no brainer, def soup
If you could click your heels together
and be anywhere, where would it be? Back in Fiji
10. What is your favorite quote? You don't know what
you don't know
11. If you could read minds, whose mind would you love
to read? My 18 year old son's
Jane's questions are
1. What's your favorite snack food? Dip and bagel
2.What was your favorite class in college? Art
3. Is anyone else in your family a teacher? My husband
is a Principal
4. Would you change the length of the school day if
you could? How? Not in primary, secondary maybe starting later to cater for
teenagers better
5. Do you eat lunch in the teacher's lounge or
somewhere else? Most times at my desk while correcting or on the run or after
6. What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday
morning? Replying to blog comments while my teenagers sleep
7.Do you have a nickname? No not really, my parents
call me Poll - short for Paula I suppose
8. What's the last thing you bought at a store? Baby
clothes for friends who have just had babies
9.Have you ever met a celebrity? Who? Last month I
met three other Aussie bloggers and they are super stars in my mind
10. Would you change your birthday month? If so, to
what? No, I love April - here it is neither hot or cold, just right
11. What is the most important tip you would provide to
others who blog? Plan out your blogs and don't just self-promote products.
Develop a philosophy and stick to it - your readers
will appreciate you more
Now I am nominating 11 bloggers