ANZAC Day Reading and Writing for F-2 students

ANZAC Day is an important day in Australian and New Zealand History. April 25 marks the day to remember the people who were lost and families who were changed forever. This pack is for early learners to begin to develop an appreciation of this significant day. 

Even our Foundation (Prep) students need to have an understanding of ANZAC Day

We have created this pack just for our very young students so that they can engage in an understanding of what this day means.

This pack will help you to explore through reading, writing, craft and cooking why ANZAC Day is so important to commemorate with our young students.

Easter Egg Hunt - Time and Money

This Easter pack provides three sets of task cards to be used in learning centers. Explore elapsed time and problem solving as the Easter Bunny drops off eggs.

Set One 
8 cards with an Easter Egg Hunt theme
There are two sets; one color and one black and white
Answer key is provided 

Set Two 
A poster with a timetable for the Easter Bunny to make deliveries
8 cards with questions about the timetable 
There are two sets; one color and one black and white
Answer key is provided 

Set Three
8 cards with questions about how money and/or change is needed
There are two sets; one color and one black and white
Answer key is provided 

Easter Time Tasks

This Easter pack is differentiated to consolidate and then identify focus groups for you to work on with time concepts. In the lead up to Easter it is a fun way to consolidate time concepts. 

Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack. This pack is a zipped file that contains two versions – one with USA spelling (color and analog) and one for Aus spelling (colour and analogue).

The interactive note page is to be done first. See the photos provided on how to use this as an assessment. 

The rubric will show what is expected as the students move through the tasks 
Each section has 
- a poster for display
- a worksheet to show understanding
- a set of cards to use as flashcards – available in color and a ‘save ink’ version. You can print this as is or on colored card
- a ’read the room’ task with an answer sheet

Set A Pink – Time to the hour, including digital
Set B Yellow– Time to the half hour, including digital
Set C Green– Time using quarter to and quarter past, including digital
Set D Blue – Time to five minutes, including digital
Set E Purple – Time in 24-hour time, including digital 

April Fool's Day fun

I love April Fool's Day - I love the fun, the hilarity and the giggles you hear!

Laughter is the best medicine for everything.

Includes the following packs 

April Fool’s Day - PowerPoint
11 pages
This PowerPoint will assist in building an understanding of what April Fool’s Day is and when it occurs. 
This PowerPoint is not editable. This protects the copyright of the clip art creators and the font makers that I use. 
Discuss each slide and ask questions about April Fool’s Day to see what your student’s understanding is.
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack. 

April Fool’s Day - Writing
15 pages
This pack provides writing prompts for April Fool’s Day.
Decide which prompts you will use and print them off.
Each page has a space for an illustration and then add the text for your April Fool’s Day story to support the illustrations. 
Conference and give feedback when completed. 
I got pranked – I laughed so much (boy/girl option) – The day I sat on a whoopee cushion – The best joke – I was April fooled – The best prank – If I were a Jester – 
This is what my family does - On this day I feel – A joke that went wrong – The day I got pranked

Harmony Day

This week is Harmony Day in Australia, we celebrate our diverse nation.
We celebrate this on March 21st

This PowerPoint will assist in building an understanding of Harmony Day and why we hold it as an important part of our current history and acknowledge it every year. 

Use this as a PowerPoint and share with your grade the facts about Harmony Day in Australia. 

Discuss each slide and ask questions about their understanding.

There are tasks at the end to help consolidate knowledge on Harmony Day.

Tasks prompts include -
• Where are your ancestors from?
• What foods do we enjoy as part of a multi cultural country?
• List the celebrations we now celebrate

• Design a poster to promote living in harmony 

Easter Math Centres

We have so busy revising and adding Easter themed resources over the last few weeks. 

Odd and Even Sort
Working with numbers and finding out all we can about them is an integral part of manipulating numbers. The stronger sense of what a number is the better we can work through operations with them with confidence. 

Instructions - 
• color copy and laminate the cards
• cut on the dotted lines
• have students work in pairs
• there can be six students working on this at one time
• place the number cards in the center and work as a pair with an even and an odd sorting mat
• take one egg card at a time
• place on the correct mat
• check in with a buddy each time

Learning to skip count helps with addition and subtraction fluency. This Skip Counting Easter Theme pack has sequences that add and subtract. Use the task cards as a ‘read the room’ task and get students moving while learning. There is an answer key too. 

This pack includes -
• A full color or ‘save your ink’ version to print
• A recording sheet to write down the answers
• Answer Key for easy correction

These Roll and Cover tasks are an easy way to consolidate number sense and the basic number facts of +1, +2 and doubling. 

You will need
• To color copy and laminate the mats you want to use – there are two printing options 
• 6 sided dice
• counters for each student

This pack includes mats for 
• Number recognition to 6 using dice and subitizing facts
• Roll and +1
• Roll +2 
• Roll and double 

Calendars play a vital role in classroom procedures. Learning the days of the week, seasons and months of the year is an important life skill. 

This pack includes - 
• Northern and Southern Hemisphere seasons are included
• Headings to place on your bulletin board
• Days of the Week tags
• Season labels
• Months of the Year tags
• Dates to use on your calendar
• Daily Schedule tags
• Weather prompts

Ideas to help you use this pack - 
• Print and laminate these items and then use an existing bulletin board to display them. 
• Use Velcro dots to attach the correct parts for each day, or attach magnets for a whiteboard.
• Allow the children to become independent and change them each morning. Assign a bulletin board monitor who then shares with the grade what the board says each day.
• Start with today is.. then add tomorrow will be….then yesterday was. This allows you to discuss past, present tense and days in the order. Using the date and discuss ordinal numbers. 

• Months and seasons are also discovered incidentally. The weather for the day allows discussion on clothes and activities that are relevant for the weather.  

Ten Frames
Subitizing is a skill that assists later with adding to ten, build to ten, near doubles and doubles. Use these ten frames each day for quick recall of collections to 10. 

• Use as flash cards for trusting the count
• Discuss strategies that can be used to know that 7 is 4 and 3 as well as 5 and 2
• There are three card sets to choose from 
• Each set has two printing options – full color and less color

Missing Numbers is a great task to do to get your students thinking about what number is next or what comes before. These boards are easy to check when complete and can be checked by a buddy too for great peer teaching. 

- Choose a board – the save ink or full color versions, boards are provided for 10, 20, 50, 120
- fill in the missing numbers with the dry erase markers
- Grids to 120 are not in traditional sets of rows of 10. By using an 8x14 grid the student needs to know what comes next and is not able to rely on the pattern to complete the grid.

You will need
- To color copy and laminate the boards you wish you to use
- Dry erase markers for each student

- Cleaning cloth to share 

Saint Patrick's Day Writing Prompts

Patrick’s Day Writing

Click here to see it in our TPT store

Saint Patrick’s Day Writing is all about the cheeky and funny stories that we can create. Enjoy watching your students write about funny escapades while appreciating the joys of writing. 

The 17 tasks include - â€¢ Roll and write - roll a six sided dice and choose a setting, plot and character to write about• How would you find the end of the rainbow?• Describe a Leprechaun – use as many adjectives as you can• What would you do if you found a pot of gold? â€¢ If you could interview a Leprechaun – what would you ask?• Green makes me think of…. (color and b/w)• Beginning, middle and end of story – planning template â€¢ The luck of the Irish- what do we use as lucky charms?• If you found a four leaf clover – what would you wish for?• Make a book on rainbow facts. â€¢ Leprechaun pranks – what would they do?• Design a gold coin (front and back)• Green food – make a list• Acrostic Poems – LEPRECHAUN, POTS of GOLD, SHAMROCK and RAINBOW• Venn Diagram• KWHL – Ireland• What would you say if you meet a Leprechaun?

USA CCSS Information and explanation about a topic – Kindergarten - W.K.2, Grade One - W.1.2, Grade Two -W.2.2Narrative to re –tell events in sequence – Kindergarten - W.K.3, Grade One - W.1.3, Grade Two - W.2.3

Aus CurriculumCreate short texts… Year F - ACELY1650, Year 1 - ACELY1663, Year 2 - ACELY1671Re read own texts… Year F - ACELY1662, Year 1 - ACELY1662, Year 2 - ACELY1672

Click here to see it in our TPT store

International Women's Day


Click here

This is a locked PowerPoint and will assist in building an understanding of what International Women’s Day is. It is not an editable file.
Use this as a PowerPoint and share with your grade.Discuss each slide and ask questions about their understanding of International Women’s Day.
There is a save your ink version, if you would like to print it out.

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