New Year Post

Christmas Day has been and gone and I hope you all had a lovely day. This year we had a quiet Christmas Day with just the four of us. 

I cannot believe that the new year is just around the corner!

I have two packs for New Year that your kids will love and you can just print and go!

This first pack will be able to used until 2020. Then I will add more pages for you. 

There are 8 tasks to choose from. 
The first 7 tasks will make your students think about their achievements for the New Year. 

Reflection for last year - This page will help to record three highlights for last year. You can then celebrate these milestones and build on them for the New Year.

Pennants for display - Color and display. The first pennant can be copied and glued on the back of each one for each student.

All about Me poster - There are two versions containing spelling for favourite/favorite, colour/color. Add the information and then display or place into a class book to help to get to know one another.

Interactive note pages with 6 different fonts - Record what you: would like to be, what you would like to be able to do, would like to do and what you would like to see happen this year.

Mobile cards for display - Each child is to fill out either the color version or the black/white version. Then cut out each rectangle – use string to attach them together and hang in the classroom.

Goal Book - Copy one for each child and brainstorm the information before they record in their own booklet.

Countdown Book - Copy and staple where the staple marks are. Cut in half to make two books. On each page record goals for last year with Number One being the most important.

Autographs - Have a go at writing your autograph and collecting those of your classmates. Do this task at the end of the year again and compare signatures.

This pack is for K-1 and you may like to laminate some of the tasks so that you have them ready for next year!

New Year’s Eve Unit

Mathematics Tasks

Arrange numbers 0-12 forward and backward

Make a clock

Put times in sequence from 1pm to midnight.

Match analogue to digital times

Sequence tasks we might do on New Year’s Eve

Complete an Alphabet Key

English Tasks

Record New Year’s Resolutions

Make a Shopping List for a party

Invitation to a party

Recount tasks 

Happy New Year everyone - be safe, have fun and enjoy...

Reindeer - Reindeer - Reindeer

I am fascinated by reindeer - so I have put together this pack to help put some facts together. 
They are so much more than Santa's transport helpers - hehehe

Reindeer | Reindeer | Reindeer

This pack provides information about reindeer. This information will assist in the writing of your own Informational Text, guided by a rubric.

79 Pages

KWHL - for Reindeer. There are color, plus black/white versions and a one page version
This will assist in assessing what your grade knows and will help when writing the Informational Text
This is what we know about…
This is what we want to know …
This is how we will find out what we want to know……
This is our new learning about ….

Vocabulary - Color and black/white versions provided. Spare tags for extra words. Display these words and discuss what they mean.

Facts - These cards can be used as discussion starters or display these facts about reindeer and discuss what they mean. They can be used as starters for the Informational Text to help build the paragraphs

Photos - These photos are to be used to assist in writing the text. Print off and display around the finished Informational Text

Reading - This text is to be used to record the main ideas and the supporting information. The second task is to paraphrase the text

Writing – Use the photos provided in the photo section to assist in writing the text. Print off and display around the finished Informational Text. The rubrics are helpful in assessing the text. A map of the world is provided to plot where the reindeer live. A planner is included for the Informational Text. There are a variety of papers and planners provided.

Jan Brett - birthday December 1st

Jan Brett is one of America's best author and illustrators for many books for children to read and escape into.

To help celebrate this day - I have a pack for you to use to help explore her life and write a biography. 

At the end of this post I have some links about Jan Brett that you may want to check out. 


Jan Brett

Author | Author | Author

Read some facts about Jan Brett and use these facts to write a biography.

This pack contains 26 pages
There are three posters (one with some published book titles and 2 print and go versions)
KWHL - record what you know, want to know, ideas for finding out and your new learning
Fact recording sheet x 2,
Fact clipboards for display and discussion
Biography wheel
Word splash on clipboards
Ask a question template (girl/boy templates)
Lined pages for biography
Write a biography – with side graphics

Key words – author, Jan Brett, children’s books, illustrator

Happy Birthday Jan Brett!

Some useful links to share

Letters to Santa - all sorted

I have just posted this pack which will help you with your Santa letters.
I have updated this pack to include extra task.
If you own it, please  re download to get the extras...

Click here

Letter to Santa

53 pages

Write a letter to Santa â€“ there so many options available in this pack. This Letter to Santa pack explores why we use letters and what makes a letter so that we can write a great Letter to Santa.

Tasks include - 
• Why do we write letters? Brainstorm ideas on the template. 
• List what we should include in a letter – what parts are necessary?
• Write about something you want, you need, you want for someone else and what doesn’t cost money….
• What happens after we write the letter?
• What does a letter look like?
• What does an envelope need on it?
• Design your own Christmas stamp
• Planning page for writing your letter
• What would you ask Santa?
• Write a persuasive letter to Santa – 2 options
• Write a recount – 2 options
• Toppers for your writing when on display
• How to make an envelope #1, #2, #3
• Writing pages for your letter – 24 options to choose from

Happy letter writing.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Folktale or Christmas?

This book is a folktale and people often read it at this time of the year because it has elves!

If you choose to read it to your kids - please explain that is a folktale.

These tasks will help you to explore The Elves and the Shoemaker and respond to the text in a variety of ways.

The pack contains 75 pages and there are many tasks

  • KWHL - What I know – What I want to know – How will I find it out – My new learning
  • Sequencing tasks x2
  • Word splash – Elves – Shoemaker – wife
  • Character Traits – wife –Shoemaker – Elf
  • Instructions  for INB
  • INB for beginning, middle and end
  • INB for Elf, Shoemaker, wife – is-has-can
  • Add a picture to your story instructions
  • Recount
  • Pictures to add to story
  • Word focus
  • Compare characters
  • Text connections
  • Text to self – text- world
  • The best part of the story
  • Main idea
  • Summary
  • Recount
  • Create a story
  • Compare truth  - fantasy
  • Change the ending
  • Devise questions
  • I see, I think, I wonder
  • Persuade others to read this book
  • Making lists
  • Be a designer
  • Suggestions please
  • Setting, characters, complications and resolutions
  • DeBono Hat thinking
  • Character traits
  • Conversations x4
  • Missing words with answers
  • Point of view
  • Story parts
  • Comprehension x2
  • Sequence task
  • Small book with instructions
  • Story map
  • 5Ws
  • Stick Puppets
  • Script planner x2
  • Story board planner
  • Story Board INB
  • Script between 2 characters x 4
  • Script note page x2
  • Design some clothes 

This is a delightful version I found on YouTube - click here
Your kids can then do a compare and contrast of the book you read and this version, 

Veterans Day - November 11th

November 11th is an important day in our history

Veterans Day is where we recognize the contributions, sacrifices our armed forces have made. 

This Veterans Day Pack includes 
38 pages to help explore the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy.
The tasks are....
This is what I know about the army, air force, navy and marines. Class charts for brainstorm and display (color and black and white)
Past, Present and Future recording sheet
Acrostic Poem for Veteran
What does Veterans Day mean to me?
Thank you Veterans – recording sheet with 4 different writing lines
Dear Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Pilots – letter writing pages
Nouns and Adjectives – Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines
Can – Have- Are for Army, Sailors, Marines, Air Men
Venn Diagrams – three sets: sailors/soldiers,
Air force/soldiers, sailors/marines
Boggle – Remembrance Day and Veterans Day
Word Search 

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