Halloween is a time to dress up - we all search for and read books with witches, bats, spiders and pumpkins in them.
We have these packs available for you and if you click the below link they will take you to the all of them to see them in more detail.
For all our Halloween theme packs - click here or on each of the headings.
We have these packs available for you and if you click the below link they will take you to the all of them to see them in more detail.
For all our Halloween theme packs - click here or on each of the headings.
Room on a Broom
This is one of our favorite books and each time we read it the kids always enjoy it.
Complete word splashes, interactive note pages, puppet plays, complete the story, make connections, comprehension tasks and more!
This book is about finding your group. Explore the book through these tasks and expand your vocabulary through reading and writing.
Halloween Bundle
Halloween - English Tasks
Match pictures to letters, complete a class word wall of words to study, display new words, write an acrostic poem, complete book reports....
Halloween Math
Look at days of the week, months, time and counting patterns, use ten frames, discover turn around facts and solve problems.
Halloween - Easy Readers
Two readers - both easy for early readers.
Halloween - Script Writing
Are you trying to teach writing scripts - this pack will use great characters to help do this with some graphic organizers.
Halloween - Who am I?
How can you describe characters? - make word splashes - write stories and what will you be dressed as for Halloween?
Halloween - Name Tags
Are you after some name tags for this special time of the year?
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Use this Nursery Rhyme to look at pumpkins.
Pumpkin Life Cycle
A great way to look at the life cycle of a pumkpin.
Spider Bundle
Spider - Writing
Write about all things spider related!
Spider - Math
Spider themed math tasks for your math this month.