For my new followers - I teach for 4 days a week in a Prep space (1st year of school) and I am the team coach for this group.
I am the Curriculum Leader for the whole school as well as a Coach.
I don't work in the Prep space on Tuesdays as I coach staff and coach the other coaches.
It is busy - hectic - challenging but I wouldn't have it any other way.
So today the other coaches, our Principal and I spent 3 hours looking at Inquiry Learning.
Kate, who is Assistant Principal at another school led us in a discussion, information giving and helped us with a plan for action.
I have used this appoach before, but not at my curent school. We have Daily 5 and Cafe in most rooms and we are looking at upping the ante and exceeding potential. Our studenst show stamina, choose best fit, make decisons every day about learning in English - next step real Inquiry Learning.
So we have some reading to do.....watch this space!