After working on this for what seems like forever - like all last year!
I'm finally ready to share.
Each child had a folder with too many goals and it become hard to manage for me, but my kids as well.
I am such a fan of Six Traits plus 1 and the impact that it has on writing is clear.
To focus on a part of writing and give a chid or group the instruction they need is supported by the 7 areas that need to be explicitly taught.
You can see how each student works, improves and where to go next.
But I needed to streamline what I was trying to do.
So - here is what I have worked on to improve the process for my students and I while still be very focused on what needs to happen.
My Writing Conferencing folder - I have all my goals in here ready to go.
I have checklists for each section and an assessment page for each child.
There are tags for each component that are attached to work and this way I can track goals and assist in setting new ones.
This pack will support you to have simple goals of brainstorming writing ideas to more complex goals of using figurative language.
By attaching the tags this is a visual reminder. You can go back and check what you need to work on.
Here is the link to my work - click here

In this pack you find the posters, prompts, bookmarks and interactive notebook pages.
Our Goals can be found here
Our Goals can be found here

Happy goal setting