I used to do Literature Circles a long time ago, this year we use them every day.
We have some groups reading, some preparing their roles and some presenting their work.
The conversations are rich, deep and lead to a greater understanding of the text, characters, words, story lines and empathy for others' opinions.
I needed reminding about the roles and so did my kids.
So I have been playing around with these book marks.
The role of Discussion Direction is pivotal to how the group runs. Summariser needs to be succinct, and Word Wizard aids in our understanding.
The other roles are fantastic and we rotate them and give feedback.
It is a great way to have a kid's book club.
I have taken over our lounge room at home - printing, cutting and laminating.
I have created a 25 sets so that in our shared space we have one between two.
I know my kids will use them - so now my next question is - Where to store them?
I am trying to sort out my other notes and when I do I will package them together, so watch this space!