We also say goodbye to our grade before Christmas and then we have a new grade when we return in late January.
This time gives us a chance to see family, go on holidays and get ready for the new year to come. As I waited in plane terminals, sat on planes, relaxed on the Gold Coast I was able to reflect about what worked and what might need tweaking for a new start this year. I will be working with children who are 5 and 6 years of age and are in the first year of schooling in Victoria. My '2 sisters' newsletter (of Cafe Literacy and Daily 5 fame) arrived digitally and mentioned that they now suggest we teach explicitly 'read to self' and then 'work on writing'. This sits really well with me as I have always insisted that all children need to write every day. I am looking forward to setting up a new classroom space, discussing a new program and above all else working with a new group of students and their parents.