My work on Nursery Rhymes continues..
Hickory Dickory Dock is a great way to teach time and this pack includes card sets for
- o'clock
- half past
- quarter to
- quarter past
Each set has a different graphic on them so you can mix them up as flash cards and when you are done they can be sorted into groups for easy storage.
The pack contains heaps of tasks for reading and writing - click the images to see more detail.
Nursery Rhymes help young learners to predict text and explore
new words. They are an important shared experience for reading and writing.
These 97 pages focus on shared and independent reading experiences.
Class Book
Three versions to choose from - full color - part color - no color
KWHL - Copy each page and display. As a grade list the things
you know, want to know, how we will find this out and our new Learning
Word Splashes
Around each picture record words to describe it. Discuss adjectives,
verbs and nouns
Text formats
A poster to use to read along to with your grade
Booklet for students to read in small groups and independently - Copy
and staple. Then cut in half and it produces two books.
Reading cards to sort in the correct order and use them for read the
A variety of writing tasks has been included in the pack, choose which
ones best suit your students
Beginning, middle and end interactive - Side graphics for stories - If
I were the… I would…. - Journal page (copy one for each child) and a cover for
the whole grade to make a book for shared reading - Recount- Before and After - Read the Room
Choose the color or black and white copy and laminate. Match the puzzle
pieces and then put them in the correct order.
Word Work
Use these as a whole class lesson or individual for word work tasks.
Pages for – ow, ck, str, ou
Stick Puppets
Copy the page of your choice. Cut and attach to sticks. Students
perform oral plays with the characters
Time Cards
Use the four sets to sort and name o’clock, quarter past, quarter to
and half past