Flip Flop Swap #2

This is my second 'flip flop product swap' and I was asked by Evelyn from First Grade Class to do a swap for one of my products. She really wanted to check out my Addition pack.

When I was looking at her blog I discovered we both have the same maiden name. What is even funnier is that generations ago there were three brothers in Ireland. They had a falling out and one stayed, one went to Australia and that is my family line. One went to America and maybe that is Evelyn's family - we are investigating.

This is my Addition to 20 pack

This pack is 115 pages and is split into 3 units, they each, as the title suggests follow a living things theme.

The pictures are great and easy to use for littlies, they are engaging and they are able to link them to the write the room task easily.  I am very new to the concept of write the room - but this works to let children know what words are part of a theme.

Thanks for swapping Evelyn.

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